elektron.experiment #2 STARTS.EE art-science residency SHOWING “How to wear sensations?”

28ndal Jaanuaril 2021 kell 17:00-18:00 toimub elektron.live platvormil e⁻lektroni ja TLU HCI labori teise ühisresidentuuri showing. Residendid demovad sel päeval oma tööd kantavast taktiilsusest ning räägivad elektron.live´is oma koostööprotsessist TLU Digitehnoloogiate insitituudis. Samal üritusel tutvustame ka kahte teist STARTS.EE residentuuri teemadel “How to wear sensations?” ja “Gazing for meaning”.
e⁻lektron ja TLU HCI labor korraldavad üheskoos STARTS.EE residentuure, kus kunstnik ja teadlane töötavad koos mõne nähtuse kallal, juhitud uudishimust ja inspireeritud vahetustest, mis ületavad kahe domeeni piire.
Selle residentuuri raames tegid Kristi ja Yulia esimesi samme loomaks taktiilne rõivas, mis annab kandjale enesekindlust igapäevastes toimetustes. On laialdaselt teada, et kontsakingad, korsett või ülikond mõjutavad kandja enesehinnangut. Kuid, kuidas saavutada seda läbi taktiilse tunnetuse, mis jõuab kehale läbi heli vibratsiooni?
Kristi Kuusk on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Disainiteaduskonnas dotsent ning vanemteadur. Teda huvitavad võimalikud rõiva- ja tekstiilidisaini tulevikusuunad, mis kaasavad tehnoloogiat erinevatel tasanditel. Ta tegeleb loomepõhise uurimusega, ning esitleb seda rahvusvahelistel kunsti-ja disaininäitustel, akadeemilistel konverentsidel ning teadusartiklites.
Yulia Zhiglova on Tallinna Ülikooli Digitehnoloogiate instituudi doktorant. Ta uurib kuidas kantavad vibrotaktiilsed kasutajaliidesed võiks esile kutsuda käitumise ja enese-tunnetuse muutusi.

On the 28th of January from 17:00-18:00 (EEST) the STARTS.EE residents will show what they've been up to for the last three months working on the wearable haptics project. The audience can ask questions and get some answers from them! We will also show the previous residents’ work "How to wear sensations?” by Dila Demir and Mihkel Kohava and an ongoing project "Gazing for meaning" by Nesli Hazal Akbulut and Mati Mõttus.
e⁻lektron and TLU HCI lab have been co-hosting a STARTS.EE art-science residency is a form of collaboration where an artist and a researcher work together on some phenomena, led by curiosity and inspired by the exchanges that transcend the two domains' boundaries.
During Wearable Haptics residency Kristi and Yulia took the first step towards creating a haptic piece of clothing that allows the wearer to feel more confident in everyday settings. We know that heels, corsets, or business suits influence our self-perception and boosts confidence levels. However, how to achieve that through implicit sensations applied to the body?
Kristi Kuusk is an associate professor and senior researcher of the Design Research Group in Estonian Academy of Arts. Her interest is in finding alternative futures for clothing and textile design via the implementation of technology. She combines practice (of collaborating as selected laureate in EU projects such as STARTS Residencies, WORTH Partnership Project) with presenting and publishing research in international venues.
Yulia Zhiglova is a Ph.D. student of the Human-Computer Interaction group at the School of Digital Technologies, Tallinn University. In her research, she investigates how vibrotactile displays, embedded in wearable forms, may enable implicit behavior and self-perception change. For more details check this https://yuzhig.com/
The residency is organized in collaboration with Tallinn University School of Digital Technologies and STARTS.EU