elektron.experiment #1 STARTS.EE art-science residency SHOWING "Wearable Haptics"


20.12.2020 kell 17:00-18:00 toimub elektron.live platvormil e⁻lektroni ja TLU HCI labori esimese ühisresidentuuri showing. Residendid demovad sel päeval oma tööd Odüsseia ning räägivad elektron.live´is oma koostööprotsessist TLU Digitehnoloogiate insitituudis. Samal üritusel tutvustame ka kahte uut STARTS.EE residentuuri teemadel Wearable haptics ja Gazing for meaning.
e⁻lektron ja TLU HCI labor korraldavad üheskoos STARTS.EE residentuure, kus kunstnik ja teadlane töötavad koos mõne nähtuse kallal, juhitud uudishimust ja inspireeritud vahetustest, mis ületavad kahe domeeni piire.
Septembris alustasid residentuuriga Dila Demir ja Mihkel Kohava ning uurisid teemat “How to wear sensations?”.
Dila on Ph.D. tudeng Eesti Kunstiakadeemias. Ta töötab elektrooniliste tekstiilidega ning tema uurimistöö ühendab kehastunud disainmõtlemist tema tekstiilipraktikaga.
Mihkel on lõpetanud Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia lavastaja eriala. Kui siiani on ta olnud rohkem klassikalise teatri lavastaja ja näitlejana, siis selles residentuuris on tema huvi on kasutada biosensoreid ja nende kogutud andmed.
Residentuuris uurisid Dila ja Mihkel, kuidas kasutada vaatajate liikumist, nende biosignaale ja e-tekstiile, et jutustada lugu Odüsseuse eksirännakutest.
Residentuuri toetavad Tallinna Ülikooli Digitehnoloogiate instituut ja STARTS.EU
On this Sunday 20.12.2020 from 17:00-18:00 (EEST) the STARTS.EE residents will show what they've been up to for the last three months. The audience can ask questions and get some answers from them! We will also introduce two new STARTS.EE residencies on topics "Wearable haptics" and "Gazing for meaning".
e⁻lektron and TLU HCI lab have been co-hosting an STARTS.EE art-science residency on the topic "How to wear sensations?"
An art-science residency is a form of collaboration where an artist and a researcher work together on some phenomena, led by curiosity and inspired by the exchanges that transcend the two domains' boundaries.
In September, we kickstarted a residency on the topic of wearables for biofeedback, where Dila Demir and Mihkel Kohava are exploring the potential of physiological computing, e-textiles, and gamification in theatre.
Dila is a Ph.D. student at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She works in the realms of electronic textiles, and her research combines embodied design thinking and bodily interactions with her textile practice. Recently, she worked as an e-textile costume designer for an artificial intelligent brainwave opera titled AIBO.
Mihkel graduated theatre directing studies from Estonian Music and Theatre Academy. He has worked with classical theatre productions as director and actor, such as Chekov or Kitzberg.
In their residency they developed an interactive embodied theatre experience where they portray the story of Odysseus. In this interactive experience, e-textiles as storytellers and perception shifters cooperate with the biological and kinesthetic data and provide audio and visual feedback as an interaction modality. Data collected from the sensors is embedded into the story via gamification.
The residency is organised in collaboration with Tallinn Universtiy School of Digital Technologies and STARTS.EU

Exaggerated Aardvark