Year Without A Summer meets Tactile Distortion...
Mikk-Mait Kivi, Emer Värk
“When will this end?”
"Year Without A Summer" is invited to Aavistus Festival.

- Lavastajad/ Directors:Mikk-Mait Kivi, Emer Värk
- Helilooja/ Composer:Renzo van Steenbergen
- Laval/ On Stage:Üüve-Lydia Toompere, Johhan Rosenberg
- Kaasproduktsioon/ Coproduction:eˉlektron
- Toetaja/ Support:Eesti Kultuurkapital
- Inglise keeles / In English
- Etenduses kasutatakse materjali, mis võib mõjuda häirivalt ning vajada vanemlikku selgitust alla 18. aastastel. /
- The performance uses material that may be disruptive and requires parental advisory for those under 18 years of age.
- 6th of October at WHS Theater Union Helsinki at 18:30 More info:
"Year Without a Summer" is a technological journey that will take place in the dystopian future. The production uses motion tracking sensors on the bodies of the performers, which give the actors the opportunity to play radically different characters during the production. At Aavistus Festival Year Without Summer meets Tactile Distortion - an audiovisual experience by Renzo van Steenbergen and Emer Värk. This emerging will result in intense performance.
“The sun, first of stars, seems to have lost his wonted light and appears of a bluish color. We marvel to see no shadows of our bodies at noon, to feel the mighty vigor of his heat wasted into feebleness, and the phenomena that accompany a transitory eclipse prolonged through a whole year.
The moon, too, even when her orb is full, is empty of her natural splendor. Strange has been the course of the year thus far. We have had a winter without storms, a spring without mildness, and a summer without heat. “ … “ The seasons seem to be all jumbled up together, and the fruits, which were wont to be formed by gentle showers, cannot be looked for from the parched earth. “ … “ And that you may not be too much distressed by the signs in the heavens of which I have spoken, return to the consideration of nature and apprehend the reason of that which makes the vulgar gape with wonder.”
“When will this end?”