eˉlektron @ FFT Düsseldorf sharing the knowledge of unknown

eˉlektron (https://elektron.art/en/) is a transdisciplinary performing arts platform created for developing art and science collaborations. This spring the world changed overnight and we’ve witnessed how many more changes are yet to come. Performing arts physical outputs have been put on halt around the world and therefore raised an urgent need for alternative ways where performing arts and its audiences could meet.

eˉlektron platform is solely ran by artists and scientists who saw an immediate need for virtual stage. https://elektron.live/ is eˉlektron’s stage - ever adjustable virtual space which is developed according to the artists needs and desires. As no one yet really knows what is desired or needed we, together with artists and audiences, are figuring out as we go.

elektron.live’s main driving force is to bring performers and audiences together (with the use of a two-way streaming) in the same “space” just like in a real theater.

Much like the first movies at the turn of 20'th century were just recordings of the theatre performances, until now the online shows on the internet are copies of the shows made in real life. Despite having the internet for many decades, we are still inventing this medium for performing arts. It took Dziga Vertov and his "Man with the movie camera" to make movies look like movies. We are now creating a tool for artists to do the same for the online performances.

Together with FFT we will share and wonder about what we have learned, what are the pros and cons of online theater, what the future will bring and what is there to learn from this unknown form of performing arts. Hopefully together we can fill in missing gaps and discover new questions which have not been asked.

id: fft

Dancing Chinchilla