FIVE SONGS – DWELLING ON EARTH a strange lecture

Laima Jaunzema is happy to host Laima Jaunzema in Tallinn!

  • Idea, performance:Laima Jaunzema
  • Dramaturgy mentor:Maciej Sado
  • Text editor, translator:Linda Gabarajeva
  • Implementation of set design:Rūdolfs Bekičs, Normunds Balodis
  • Sound processing:Normunds Balodis
  • Publicity photo:Johhan Rosenberg
  • Poster design:Anna Ceipe
  • Producer:Ģertrūdes ielas teātris
  • Premiere:16/05/2023
  • Duration:1:20
  • Smoke used during this performance!
  • Created with the financial support of the State Culture Capital Foundation and Riga City Council.
  • Performances at Tallinn are supported by Tallinn City and Nordic Culture Point.
  • MORE:

What shapes our understanding of the norm and what role do the prevailing power and control mechanisms in society play in it? How do the ideas and values that get passed from generation to generation affect our ability to approach those who do not meet the criteria of the norm? Who needs our empathy and when?

"The performance centres h e r body, the complexity of its perception and of the introspection of consciousness. H e r body and voice apparatus as a drive to transform, living through various images and masks, visions of muted landscapes.”

The lecture performance "Five Songs – Dwelling on Earth" is a personal commemorative story and a tribute to the post-Soviet female body, encouraging to question the preconceptions of the meaning of normality, empathy and belonging in a broader societal context. Laima Jaunzema follows the body transformations of women of different generations in order to reflect on the complex relationships in which we are formed and transformed together with the world around us.