Stalker Dance / Work-in-progress
Liisbeth Horn, Kärt Koppel, Anumai Raska
Liisbeth Horn and Kärt Koppel and Anumai Raska and pleasure to be seen and desire for privacy.

- Authors:Liisbeth Horn, Kärt Koppel, Anumai Raska
- Technical wizard:Mikk-Mait Kivi
- Supported by:Kanuti Gildi SAAL,
- Thanks:Toomas Seppel, Kristiina Tang, Riin Maide, Cristo Madissoo, Heneliis Notton, Siim Tõniste
- Language no problem
- Open at Kanuti Gildi SAAL Cellar Hall
- 22.08 16:00-20:00
- 23.08 17.00-20.00
- Duration of the experience:~20'
- Entry from the address Pühavaimu 5
- Part of SAAL Biennaal 2023 fiber program. Click here for more info
When one walks across the stage whilst someone else is watching, it is theatre. When one walks across the stage whilst something is seeing (monitoring?) them, it could be performance art. Sitting on your couch, scratching on your crotch you can still be the main character. (We perform by just existing). ‘Just being’ can be enough content for a performance, but for that to happen, somebody has to curate an environment where that really is so. Tallinn Old Town is covered by cameras. Meaning, somebody has decided that whatever happens on the streets is in need of a viewer. (By just existing you are also an unwilling participant in a video performance). And well, also on the Internet.
Liisbeth Horn (1997) is a freelancer who questions both our existence and the system we exist in. She graduated performance art in UT Viljandi Culture Academy and was awarded with Komissaarov’s scholarship (2021), a director's award created by colleagues (2021) and WTF Praiss (2023). Her latest works are interdisciplinary “Public Sabotage Alliance” (2022), the loiter-stream “metaeeter” in collaboration with Ruslan Stepanov (2023), the semiotic journey “Ew, drunk angel” at Maardu Dekennaal (2022), post-truth performance “Truth and Justice” (2021).
Kärt Koppel is a geek of performance art, who investigates the meeting points of pop and high culture through text, social media and performance. She writes a column ‘Dance without Dance’ to Tantsu Kuukiri and is ⅓ of a non-musical girl group Unholy Trinity. Her recent projects include a Dance Criticism research residency (2022-2023) and her dance debut “So Think You Can Dance” (director-performer 2023). Kärt’s ideas, different forms and concepts are stewed in office aesthetics.
Anumai Raska (1997) is a dancer and performer whose work is inspired by the individual's relationship and responsibility to the world around them, and the loneliness found therein. Thus, socio-political issues, even in their softer tones, are prominent in Raska's work. Her works have been exhibited at various events, galleries, and theatre stages and her solo performance “Garden Of Parasite” was premiered in May 2023 in Von Krahl. As a performer, she has taken part in several works, latest being “Pure Pink Pox“ (The Biofilm Sisters, as a stand-in for Raudva), “False Falling” (Keithy Kuuspu) and “Performance STL-is” (Ruslan Stepanov and Artjom Astrov).